Monday, July 9, 2012

Testing Testing Testing, Party Party Party

This week has been crazy and exhausting! Right now there is not a construction project so I have been helping out at the school. I have been giving UKG (kindergarden) to 3rd standard (3rd grade) english tests. They have to be given one at a time and sometimes the kids do not understand a word I am saying.  We have also gone to a wedding for one of the nurses that use to work here at Rising Star. Then we had a dinner party for the 4th of July!

Administering the english tests can be very exhausting. I thought working on construction was going to be tiring but testing/teaching takes much more out of me. I give props to those able to teach everyday. The other day I was testing this little boy named Captain Karan (yes that is his name lol) and he had no idea what I was saying. He is a new kid here at Rising Star and is in 2nd standard. He knows almost no english so he got almost everything wrong. It was so hard to give this boy the test because he would lose focus and try to leave the room every 30 seconds. Now that im looking back at it, it is funny. Every 30 seconds I would call out "Captain we need to finish this test" and calling a child "Captain" is just hilarious to me, I feel that im talking to one of my dad's friends from the navy.

The 4th of July party was a ton of fun. We got to have a couple of the kids over and they loved the "semi-american" food that we had. We had hotdogs, fries, corn, chicken and chips. One of the boys, Vimal, wanted to use a fork and would use the fork to eat the chips. At the end we had some soda and ice cream. We made floats for the kids and they loved them, some had 3 or more floats. After they were done with the floats we had a bunch of left over ice cream that got used for a food fight (started by Amy). I avoided being the food fight until the very end when Amy threw some ice cream in my face and Deepan slapped some butter in my face (yes I did say butter). After we sent the kids back to their hostels we cleaned up and were cleaning up the mess from the ice cream fight. Once the water buckets came out I knew it would turn into a little water and it did.

 This is us having our 4th of July Dinner!

 Some of the kids that came for our 4th of July dinner party! So much fun!

 Amy smering ice cream all over Joseph's face in the ice cream fight lol. 

After the mini water fight!

We may not have had a traditional 4th of July party but we sure did have a lot of fun.

The next night we went to the wedding of one of the nurses that use to work here at Rising Star. It was a catholic wedding and was a good experience. Everyone was dressed in Indian clothing, the girls were in Saris, Dane was in a Dhoti and I was in a Kurta (we were all looking awesome!). At the reception the Bride and Groom had to stand and take pictures for hours. They would look super serious while the pictures were being taken and the second after they would have the biggest smiles (Indians for some reason hate smiling in pictures). Although my friend Shanmugam (Eskay) smiles in pictures all the time... and he's Indian...

The ladies looking good in their Saris! Dane and I looking like studs in a Dhoti and Kurta!!

 The Bride and Groom not smiling in their wedding pictures. As soon as this picture was taken they smiled lol. 

 The food at the reception! They were super pushy and just wanted us to eat and then leave. It was like a factory line.

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