Monday, July 23, 2012

I Love India!!!

There has been so many things happening the past couple of weeks. I went into Chennai and met up with my little sister Emily and hungout with her all weekend. We went to a Hindu wedding. Then I drove back to Rising Star with the new session. Oh... i finally started a construction project at the colony last week!!!

Let me start by saying that I have the best and strongest little sister ever! She is such a trooper, I am so proud of her. She got to India last weekend on Friday the 13th. The second she stepped off the plane EVERYTHING went wrong. She waited at the airport for 2 hours for her bags just to find out that they were lost. She then went outside to find the driver from the Marriott but he was not there; so she called the Marriott and Dr.Susan (she works at Rising Star) to get a ride to the hotel. Once she got to the hotel she found out that her reservation at the Marriott had been canceled. The one thing that was good was the Marriott set her up with a room at the Radisson and gave her a ride over there. I then met her there a little after 5:00 in the morning. She looked exhausted and like she had the longest night of her life. She handled the situation so well! I could not imagine traveling all by myself and have all of that happening to me at the age of just 17. Emily is so strong and so ROOMBA SUPPAAAAA! I love her so much! 
Words cannot describe how happy I am that she got here safely!

The next day we woke up at 9:00 (not even close to getting enough sleep) and caught a ride to our friend Shanmugam's (aka Eskay) house. There we had an amazing south indian meal served on a banana leaf. Emily learned how to eat with her hand (a very useful skill her in India). The food was so good and we were so full after that we had to take a nap afterward. After our nap we hungout with Shanmugam's family and we went shopping for clothes for the wedding that we were going to on Sunday. Emily found a very nice indian dress and I got a nice white Kurta to wear. Shanmugan then paid for the clothes for us or pulled a "Billy" as I would call it (Not letting us pay for the stuff ourselves). I then may or may not have splurged and bought a pair of RayBans...(dont worry dad I bought them myself). After shopping we went out to eat with Shanmugam's family and got some more great south indian food (I love real south indian food... A LOT).

On Sunday we went to a Hindu wedding and it was so much fun. Emily and I got dressed up in indian clothing and we got to eat more yummy south indian food! It was really interesting going to the wedding because I have never seen or heard anything about Hindu weddings. We had a blast with Eskay and his family there!

The stage where the wedding was taking place.

Where the bride and groom were most of the time. So many flowers, it smelt so good!

The bride and groom getting married!

They look so happy. I cant believe I got a picture of two Indians smiling that aren't Eskay lol. 

The band at the wedding.

Eskay's beautiful daughters Aku (on the left) Abi (on the right).

Emily eating with her hands at the wedding.

The amazing food they served us at the wedding.

We were having a lot of fun here but she didnt want to take a picture with me lol.

 Emily and I in Indian clothing.


Im not going to lie, I have been a little down ( and when I say "a little" I really mean "a lot") up until last week about not being able to do a construction project in the colonies. But now that I am doing the job I am suppose to, I cannot be more happy. I love being the construction coordinator here at Rising Star! I love going out to the colony Barathalapuram and helping the people there. The people at this colony are so nice, I love them so much!

The project we are working on is installing septic tanks and bathrooms for about 10 or more families. These people will sometimes come out of their homes and show the other volunteers how to use an indian shovel or offer us coconuts and soda. These people have so little but are willing to give us so much. They are some of the most amazing people and I cannot tell you how much I love them. I came here to India to serve these people but it feels like I am receiving and learning more from them than I am giving them. I am reminded everyday here that charity works both ways. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow! Such amazing photos! We got to spend really little time together, but I had a blast with you guys! :)
    It was fun to watch Emily shop for her salwar kameez! Glad you guys had fun in the little time we spent together. :)
    Hope to meet you guys soon! Hugs!
    Lots of love! (more to Em :D) :)

