Tuesday, April 17, 2012

First Blog Post EVER!

I want to talk about the organization that I am volunteering for this summer. Their name is Rising Star Outreach and they are a non-profit organization that’s mission is to “…help the Leprosy colonies become thriving, self-sufficient communities”. They are doing this by: Economic rehabilitation through micro-lending, Providing medical care through mobile medical clinics, Educating children; providing opportunities to become productive citizens and Creating life-long humanitarians by providing service opportunities for volunteers.

Many people have asked me what I did last summer while volunteering in India. I cleaned leprosy patients’ sores and helped provide them medical treatment, I worked on a construction project (installing septic tanks at a colony), I tutored kids (that come from the colonies), and I played and had a great time with those kids. My best experiences at Rising Star last summer were with those kids, both at playtime and family time at night.

Those 3 weeks that I spent in India last summer were the best 3 weeks of my life and probably the 3 most exhausting weeks of my life. I cannot think of a better way to spend this upcoming summer then at Rising Star!

Let the 1-month countdown until I leave for India begin!